The fabric is in, the fabric is in!!!
My fabric has arrived and I will be cutting Algonquin kits this weekend! If you want to order a kit I will start shipping next week. Full size (no enlarging required) Algonquin patterns are also now available. This is the design featured on the cover of the Canadian Quilter magazine.
Do you have any Batik for the sky and water for the Algonquin.i have the rest of the colours but that batik is difficult to find. I have sent you another email about using the wildlife from your Alginquin for the borders of my Canada 150 quilt. Thank you Andree Mantha
I sent a reply to your email-tws to using the borders and a couple of notes about fabric 🙂
Hi Joni,
Thank you Joni….I will definitely take the Algonquin Kit on Saturday. That pattern is
absolutely gorgeous!! Does the Stained Glass Muskoka Post Card Quilt come in a kit as well? Also, is the Hook, Line & Sinker Quilt all Stained Glass or is it another technique? The rug hooking on your website….will you eventually be selling those kits?
Hook Line and Sinker is actually a block of the month Crayon (yes, crayon!) and hand embroidered quilt. We can talk about it Saturday 🙂 I will give you the info on the lady who kits the rug hooked version of the quilts, she is in Westport and is a great “hooker”
Oh yes, bringing an Algonquin for you 🙂 Postcards uses lots of scraps so no kit, but again we’ll talk about at class. I do a mini trunk show first thing so you get to see all the designs.
Hi Joni,
Can you please tell me if the Algonquin Stained Glass quilt comes as a “kit” including the material?
We are taking your class this coming Saturday & wondered if we should cut out the shapes on our fusible paper & if so how much paper should be left around shapes or do we cut right on the lines. Also will we need to bring our sewing machines to the class Saturday?
Deb, I have one Algonquin kit left and will bring it Saturday. Trace the picture on the fusible just as you see it and when you cut it apart just cut right down the middle between the traced lines. Don’t bother with a machine-you won’t get there (and they’re heavy and bulky and…). See you Saturday!